Audio mp3 Luke 7:3-5 Introduce series: The Original Selfies. Everyone is taking selfies these days to show us who they are and what they have been doing. But we’re all savvy enough now to know that selfies don’t tell the whole picture. They are a small, staged snapshot of our complicated lives. Selfies tend… Continue reading The Original Selfies Series: Self-Awareness
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Believing and Remembering
Audio mp3 Luke 24:1-8 Illustration: A man was invited to dinner by his elderly neighbors. The old gentleman endearingly preceded every request to his wife with ‘Honey,’ ‘Darling,’ ‘Sweetheart,’ ‘Pumpkin,’ etc. The man was impressed since the couple had been married almost 70 years. While the wife was off in the… Continue reading Believing and Remembering
Good things come in threes
Our two-year-old dog, Lux, continues to expand his vocabulary. Most recently, he has learned to respond positively to the word “chicken.” The first time we slipped him a piece of chicken from a meal and called it “chicken,” he devoured it from his little bowl and returned for more, but there was no apparent proof… Continue reading Good things come in threes
Preparing for your cross
Preparing for your Cross Audio mp3 Isaiah 50:4-9 “Every great story happened when someone decided not to give up.” (Loriano Spryte) The people in life who leave the greatest impact are not those who had the easy road, or who never had failures, but those who steel themselves with grit and determination, face crowds… Continue reading Preparing for your cross
Simulation Hypothesis and the Incarnation
MIT scientist Rizwan Virk has written a disturbing book called The Simulation Hypothesis, in which he suggests that the physical world is likely an artificial intelligence simulation created by programmers from an advanced civilization. You and I and all that we experience – physical sensations, spiritual intimations and emotional tugs – are the creation of programmers… Continue reading Simulation Hypothesis and the Incarnation
Fire and light
With increasing frequency, political leaders and scientists are predicting that the world as we know it will end in catastrophic ecological, economic or civilizational collapse within ten, twelve, or twenty years. Pick a date. They are all accurate. Prophets of doom are always late in their predictions. In the beginning was collapse. Entropy is the… Continue reading Fire and light
Making a New Thing
John 12:1-8 Audio mp3 Monk takes vow of silence. Goes to mountaintop mountain top. Can only say two words a year. After third year, says he is ready to reenter the world. Abbot says, “It’s about time. You’ve done nothing but complain in the last three years.” Talk about silence. There is a subtle but… Continue reading Making a New Thing
Sermon Notes: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Coming Together Audio mp3 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Text: 5:16 From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. 5:17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation:… Continue reading Sermon Notes: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Stay clear of the crowd
Author Terry Pratchett got it right when he said, “The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.” Milling crowds, with their noisy rhetoric and shallow thinking, do not produce Pulitzer prize winners or Nobel laureates. To the contrary, crowds hunt down and destroy… Continue reading Stay clear of the crowd
Sermon Notes: Isaiah 55:1-9
Audio Repenting: Turning Inward to Receive Grace Isaiah 55:1-9 This morning I want to speak of repentance in terms of turning, turning inward to find the Christ Within who is waiting for us to return. There is a still small voice, a divine tug, that is beckoning us to slow down, stop, turn inward and… Continue reading Sermon Notes: Isaiah 55:1-9