Those who are led by the Spirit

Audio mp3                        Romans 8:14-17 Introduction: Pentecost is the annual Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension from earth to heaven on Ascension Day. It always falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter. Pentecost means “fiftieth day”, as it is celebrated on Pentecost Sunday, the 50th… Continue reading Those who are led by the Spirit

Take Heart! I Have Overcome the World

Audio Mp3 John 16:20-24, 31-33 Introduction: Ticket sales for movie theaters have been on a steady decline for many years now.  People are just not going to theaters to be inspired anymore as they did in the silver screen days of Carey Grant and Carol Lombard, before cable TV and Netflix came along.  There is… Continue reading Take Heart! I Have Overcome the World

A thought on how the Church remains relevant

This week I came across an article at the United Methodist New Service site with the headline, British Methodism: Staying Relevant in Wesley’s Homeland, which highlighted ways that Methodist churches in England are involved in various ministries and events to remain engaged in social, economic and political conversations in a secular age.  For the twenty… Continue reading A thought on how the Church remains relevant