Move…In Love Ephesians 6:10-20 August 26, 2018 Move…In Love Oh, how it seems like the Evil One is always on our tail, always at our side, seeking to entice us into destructive behaviors. Flip Wilson’s “The Devil Made Me Do It” skit with “Geraldine.” From experience, we know we cannot resist the path of darkness… Continue reading Sermon Notes: Ephesians 6:10-20
Tag: John Wesley
The time is right for a Wesleyan resurgence
THE TIME IS RIGHT FOR A WESLEYAN RESURGENCE MAIN IDEA: Because of their intersections and abilities to engage with the spirtual mood of American society, John Wesley’s theology and Wesleyan practices are as relevant and potentially impactful as ever. PREDESTINATION AND ARMINIANISM (QUICK & SIMPLE): John Wesley challenged the Church’s historical emphasis on predestination. (See… Continue reading The time is right for a Wesleyan resurgence
Sermon Notes: Ephesians 4:25-5:2
Live…In Love Ephesians 4:25-5:2 8/12/18 Last week, we read from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that the Church, the body of Christ, arrives at unity and maturity through a spirit of humility, generosity and bearing one with one another in love. Paul says this is accomplished by putting off the old self and putting on… Continue reading Sermon Notes: Ephesians 4:25-5:2